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In English you can find books on Awareness Therapy on Amazon at this link.

Doctor Stanley Krippner recently wrote a review of Introduction to Awareness Therapy on Amazon:

News from Ukraine

Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2025


Awareness therapy is a direction that integrates scientific approaches from humanistic-existential, transpersonal, and subjective psychology, as well as spiritual Tibetan-Buddhist practices. The main principles of awareness therapy are acknowledging a person’s empirical experience, openness to others, attentiveness to oneself and others, a supportive environment, helpful motivation, and respect for one’s experiences [4].


The starting point of this therapy is to help individuals live their experiences in both the problem zone and the development zone during the session. This involves acceptance, understanding, and the discovery of new opportunities. It is a practice of deep awareness, where awareness is not just an observer but also a creator of reality. The client’s awareness is directed toward their request and its resolution, supported by the therapist.


Sessions in awareness therapy are therapeutic rather than meditative. When negative memories surface, they are not only acknowledged but also processed, unlocking the client’s potential and fostering personal growth. As a result, it becomes easier to be "here and now."


Mastering the skill of awareness in awareness therapy does not require additional time; it occurs during therapy sessions. With the therapist’s support, individuals "activate" their capacity for awareness, awaken, and undergo something akin to initiation. This process is immediately used to resolve the client’s request.


Anyone capable of reflecting on their state can benefit from awareness therapy (except individuals in psychotic or severe psycho-emotional states). However, in the initial stages, the participation of a trained, empathetic, and aware therapist is essential.

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., has received lifetime achievement awards from the Parapsychological Association, the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and the Society for Humanistic Psychology. Krippner is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, which granted him its 2002 Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Development of Psychology. He is an Affiliated Distinguished Faculty member of the California Institute of integral Studies and is the author of numerous publications, including Understanding PTSD in Veterans, Including Women, Reservists, and Iraq War Veterans. Dr. Krippner teaches workshops and seminars on personal mythology, dreams, hypnosis, shamanism, and paranormal phenomena nationally and internationally and is deemed one of the founders of transpersonal psychology.

Good reading and learning!


There are also some scientific articles on Awareness Therapy:


 1. Kanifolskyi I. B., Kravchenko V. Yu. Awareness therapy is the newest direction of psychotherapy.  Journal of modern psychology.  Scientific journal.  Issue 1 (28), 2023. P. 77-84.


Каніфольський І.Б., Кравченко В.Ю. Терапія усвідомленням – новітній напрям психотерапії. Журнал сучасної психології. Науковий журнал. Випуск 1 (28), 2023. С. 77-84. 





 2. Kanifolskyi I. B., Kravchenko V. Yu. Differentiation of the concepts "awareness therapy" and "mindfullness therapy" // International scientific journal "Internauka".  — 2023. — No. 9.


Каніфольський І. Б., Кравченко В. Ю. Диференціація понять «терапія усвідомленням» та «терапія усвідомленості» // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2023. — №9. 






3. Kanifolskyi I.B., Kravchenko V.Yu. Ethical and organizational principles of awareness therapy. MODERN PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND SOCIETY Proceedings of IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Kyiv, Ukraine 19-21 June 2023. P. 528-531.


Каніфольський І.Б., Кравченко В.Ю. Етико-організаційні засади терапії усвідомленням. MODERN PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND SOCIETY Proceedings of IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Kyiv, Ukraine 19-21 June 2023. С. 528-531.

Essentially a Code of Ethics for Awareness Therapy.

PDF (P. 528): 


   Happy reading!



   Some books and authors who have made an impression on me. Almost everything is online. 

1. John Whitmore "High Performance Coaching". The coaching bible.

3. Timothy Galwey "Tennis as an Inner Game", A book by the founder of coaching, who does not consider himself as such.

3. Uri and Fischer "The path to agreement or negotiations without defeat." Good book on conflict resolution. And conflictology is our everything.

4. Books and videos by contemporary Tibetan authors:  


     Chokyi Nima Rinpoche

     Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Tsewang Dogyal Rinpoche

     Patrul Rinpoche

5. Zuev E.I. "Tree of Healing" . Many illustrations of the techniques of the E.I. Zuev BEST system are for us a historical value and an adornment of bodily practice.

6. Ursula Franke, "When I close my eyes, I see you" - about free mental constellations.

7. Slobodyanik A.P. Psychotherapy, suggestion, hypnosis. My first book on psychotherapy.

8. Ken Meadows "Where the eagles fly." Good review of shamanic practices.

9. Terry Clifford "The Demons of Our Mind. Diamond of Healing" - a comparative analysis of Western and Tibetan psychiatry, the book that started my immersion in Tibetan Buddhism. On its pages I met Padmasambhava, the great tantric master of the 8th century, one of the founders of the spread of the Dharma in the Land of Snows. Just in the photo. 

10. I also highly recommend you read Padmasambhava's books.

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